This term, room 11 did three e-asttle tests to to help with what we have to learn next term.
For reading I did very bad because I was not reading and listening properly. My level was around 2A and I was so disappointed with my result. All I have to do to improve is to listen and think before I continue. I will have to learn to find and understand the main idea in the text and to understand and interpret what the author wrote and question the purpose and lots more. I hope the next e-asttle test I will do what I should to get to my level and where I should be.
In Number and Measurement I’ve done very well but I’m not where I should be. In my overall score I got a 3B. For my number sense and operation I got a 2P and my algebra I got a 3P. Measurement I got nothing for my result and that is not very good. My gaps are shapes. My strengths are writing and solving comparison problems. I need to learn to write and solve decimal problems.
Today I did my best in my geometry and statistics and I got a 3P and that is just good but I need more effort to get there where I should be. My strengths is using the polygon symmetry/angle properties to solve practical problems. I need to learn is to make and explain patterns with translation/rotation/reflection and a lot more.
The next result for e-asttle and I know that I can do my best to learn and to listen. I know what I should get to the level.