
Monday 3 December 2012

Stuck in the Lion cage

Earlier in the beautiful day, Tainah and Junior decided to go to the Zoo. Tainah wanted to go to the Zoo because it was her birthday. So Junior just wanted her to be happy for her birthday.

They just went there to take a photo of a Lion because it’s seems that Tainah only had her camera. Tainah and Junior got there soon enough because she was really excited.

“Hey Junior we are here, I hope we have fun in the beautiful sunshine” said Tainah.
“I hope so or else we will get stick in the Zoo” replied Junior.
“Hey Junior, I can see the Lion and I also can see no zookeeper” screamed Tainah.
“Yeah me too, and what do you mean” asked Junior.
“Like can I go in the lion cage” said Tainah.
“OH NO” shouted Junior.

Look she is already in the cage. So quickly Junior followed Tainah. But they both got stuck in the Lion cage.

When, Tainah and Junior shout out for help, the zookeeper came to rescue them. Tainah and Junior were free.

“Yipee” shouted Tainah and Junior.

Before they left, they took a photo with the Lion. Tainah was so happy because that was the 1st time taking a photo of a Lion.

“This is my happiest birthday I ever had” shouted Tainah.

But the problem that she won’t go in the cage without asking, she is not gonna do that again she promised. All because she thought she is gonna die but lucky she got saved.  

She was so scared and she said to Junior” she doesn’t wants to go there again.


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