
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

What do you need to play softball

Walt: write an explanation.

Explain: what you need to play softball.

The most important thing about softball is two teams because  how are you going to play when there's no teams to verse each other and how are you going to play without a softball equipment and where are you going to field.

First, both team need safety gears to protect their skin.  Next, both team are on the field where they are set. 1 team is bat and the other is fielding.  But before the game starts, the team that's are fielding, need to sort out the diamond, so there’s 4 bases.  So there’s a base 1, a base 2 and a base 3.  The base 4 is a home.

Next, there should be a referee so it can control the game and there will be no cheating.

Then, the first team to bat is to not throw the bat because it might hit the backstop. So you need to hold the bat tight and strong so when the ball is coming to the person that is batting, the person need to hit the ball with bat that’s why bat are part of softball.

The team on field need to catch the ball so the person is out. The, pitcher needs to have a ball so the team is batting can hit the ball.  

Softball is a fun sport and you need to have the equipment to play softball and how are you going to play if you don’t have a field.


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